Spring Moratorium Begins April 1, 2023 

March 21, 2023 – In accordance with Nipissing First Nation’s Fisheries Law, the annual spring gillnet moratorium is in effect as of Saturday, April 1 until the 2023 fishing season begins on Saturday, May 20, 2023. The temporary moratorium on the cultural practice of spear fishing remains in effect this year. Our enforcement officers will regularly monitor for compliance. 

We offer in-person registration for commercial and subsistence fishers this year at the Fisheries Office located at 17 Phillip Avenue in Garden Village. Online registration links for commercial and subsistence fishers and catch reporting form will be posted at nfn.ca/fisheries at a later date.  

Members who plan to fish for subsistence or ceremony must follow NFN’s Fisheries Law and notify our Fisheries Office in advance by calling 705-753-6991. Anyone selling fish under the pretense of subsistence or ceremonial fishing will be considered to be in violation of and subject to enforcement measures under NFN’s Fisheries Law. 

Miigwech to the registered commercial fishers and community members who respect the will of the community and follow the NFN Fisheries Law. Your efforts help to ensure we can all enjoy the resources that Lake Nipissing provides for us now, and for future generations to come.

Nipissing First Nation plays a fundamental role in promoting the health and recovery of the Lake Nipissing fishery.  NFN continues to have significant successes in protecting the lake’s walleye population and maintaining safe harvest levels within our commercial fishery, consistent with Aboriginal treaty and harvesting rights.

The spring gillnet moratorium and the seasonal closure in the fall are the most important management tools we have to protect the spawning fish and ensure the long-term health and sustainability of Lake Nipissing and our fishery.  

For more information, please visit our Fisheries Management page.

For compliance/enforcement issues, please contact: 

Tyler Couchie, Bylaw Enforcement Officer 
705-753-2050 ext. 1224 | Cell: 705-498-2506 

Clayton Goulais, Bylaw Enforcement Officer 
705-753-2050 ext. 1236 | Cell: 705-498-3823 

For other questions or concerns, please contact:

Jeff McLeod, Natural Resources Manager
705-753-2050 ext. 1325

Cameron Welch, Director of Lands & Natural Resources
705-753-2922 ext. 1225

To contact staff by email, please visit our Contact Us page.